Menu cards are an important element in every restaurant, café house or cafeteria. Interesting, attractive and well-made menu will certainly encourage customers to take advantage of the offer. Our proposal includes folded, standing and flat menus of any size and shape. We offer a wide selection of papers with various finishing and refinement options. We also print on cardboard, plastics or synthetic paper, resistant to moisture, fat and mechanical damage.
Table talkers are a great addition to the restaurant menu. They are universal, eye-catching marketing and information tools with a wide range of applications in many different industries. Although they are mostly used in bars or restaurants, to catch customer’s eye while eating, they can also be useful in stores, hotels, service shops and conference rooms. Tabletop advertising is a very effective, affordable and easy way to encourage customers to use additional services, take part in a competition or try a partner's offer.
Ogni goccia di Essenza Concentrata Violetta è studiata per profumare tutto il bucato.
Simbolo della primavera è l’essenza madre della bella stagione.
La sua fragranza, sprigiona sui capi un profumo appassionante ed intenso, la sua nota fiorita predomina e persiste a lungo.
Un liquido da aggiungere all’ammorbidente nel bucato a mano, in lavatrice durante l’ultimo risciacquo.
Profuma Bucato Violetta è priva di parabeni e nichel free.
Ingredients WHEAT flour*, Nonhydrogenated vegetable oils and fats (sunflower*, cocoa*) and cane sugar.
Ingredients SPELT WHEAT flour*, Nonhydrogenated vegetable oils and fats (sunflower*, cocoa*) and cane sugar.
Wheat Reference:Palep2
Wheat Ean:8413115003507
Wheat Reference:Pale-g
Wheat Ean:8413115003491
Spelt Reference:Paleep2
Spelt Ean:8413115005167
Spelt Reference:Paleeg
Spelt Ean:8413115005174
Wheat Energetic Value:2372 Kj / 569 Kcal
Wheat Fat:36,3 G Of Which Saturates 18,8 G
Wheat Carbohydrates:54,30 G Of Which Sugars 18,2 G
Wheat Protein:6,1 G
Wheat Salt:0,1 G
Spelt Energetic Value:2372 Kj / 569 Kcal
Spelt Fat:36,3 G Of Which Saturates 18,8 G
Spelt Carbohydrates:54,30 G Of Which Sugars 18,2 G
Spelt Protein:6,1 G
Spelt Salt:0,1 G
Wheat Packages:Box Of 16 Packages Of 150 G
Wheat Bulk:Box Of 2 Kg. Neto
Spelt Packages:Box Of 16 Packages Of 150 G
Spelt Bulk:Box Of 2 Kg. Neto
Pour apprécier cette spécialité, verser le contenu de la boîte dans un récipient, couvrir et laisser mijoter à feu doux. Prendre soin de remuer de temps en temps.
10 minutes environ pour un format 1 part
15 minutes pour un format 2 parts
Matières grasses:9,0 g
Dont acides gras saturés:3,9 g
Glucides:8,7 g
Dont sucres:<0,5 g
Fibres:2,0 g
Protéines:8,4 g
Sel:0,76 g
Bol à goûter en chêne Ø102x40 mm
Objet de la vente :décoration, pour les snacks
pour la présentation de produits dans les magasins, comme cadeau promotionnel
Fabricant : Ryba Wooden Products.
Origine du produit : Le produit est fabriqué en Pologne à partir de bois de chêne dur (Quercus robur).
Revêtement : Le bol est recouvert de cire dure, également utilisée pour les comptoirs de cuisine, ce qui garantit sa durabilité et son aspect esthétique.
Marque : Neutre - pas de marque de producteur sur le produit.
Ceramic tableware is a stylish and durable solution for table setting. It is made of natural material that is safe for health and environmentally friendly. Ceramic tableware is suitable for daily use and decoration of the festive table. It is easy to clean, retains the warmth of dishes and products, and also emphasizes the style of its owner.
Mezcla de aditivos, condimentos y especias, de uso charcutero, para la elaboración del PREPARADO DE CARNE denominado “Longaniza fresca” o “Salsicha fresca”.
Producto válido para todo tipo de carnes. Formato: bolsa 4kg
La yema de huevo pasteurizada líquida es un ingrediente versátil y de alta calidad, ideal para la preparación de salsas, pastelería y otras aplicaciones culinarias. Su alto extracto seco garantiza un rendimiento óptimo en la elaboración de productos, ofreciendo una textura y sabor excepcionales que mejoran cualquier receta. Este producto es especialmente recomendado para la restauración, pastelería y obradores, asegurando resultados consistentes y deliciosos.
Disponible en envases de botella de 1/2 litro, 1 litro, y bag in box de 10 y 20 litros, así como contenedores de 1.000 litros, la yema líquida pasteurizada se adapta a las necesidades de cualquier establecimiento. Su facilidad de uso y almacenamiento, junto con su calidad superior, la convierten en una opción preferida para chefs y cocineros que buscan ingredientes de alta calidad para sus creaciones culinarias.
Savoureux à deux ces savoureuses ravioli à la volaille, soigneusement préparés avec une sauce tomate parfumée aux herbes de Provence, pour un repas complet et gourmand.